Shock Testing
MPM manufactures shock test machines for component qualification to various MIL standards. The table top shock test machine, as shown (top left), is equipped with a pneumatic hammer release and break to prevent multiple impacts. This system is capable of 3,000 g half-sine pulses and satisfies MIL standard MIL-STD-883E.
In addition to the pendulum series, MPM also manufactures drop tower test machines for impact tests at high velocity. The test machine shown (middle left) was made for shock testing seat belt buckles at high accelerations consistent with automobile accidents. The test machine shown (bottom left) was made for shock testing batteries in accordance with a UN Transportation Specification.
System Features
The MPM shock test system can be configured to satisfy various shock test requirements. Some important features are listed below:
Up to 1,000,000 data points per test
Data acquisition time ranges from microseconds up to 100 milliseconds (longer acquisition times available)
User friendly software controls acquisition and data analysis
Software calculates peak g level, half-sine pulse width, and the total energy absorbed by the test piece throughout the duration of the shock event
Full system includes:
Test machine
High speed, 12-bit acquisition board
Hardware/Software manual
The test machine can be provided with several options including:
Automatic rail cart positioning system
In-situ heating & cooling system (In-situ Heating & Cooling)
Automatic specimen transfer system (Automatic Specimen Transfer)
Example Shock Data
The example shock data shown below is for a 500 g peak load test conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-883E. This standard is intended for determination of the suitability of devices for use in electronic equipment that may be subjected to moderately severe shocks as a result of sudden applied forces or abrupt changes in motion during field applications. The peak acceleration under Test Condition A must be 500 ± 100 g, and the pulse duration must be within 1 ± 0.3 milliseconds. The energy absorbed is also reported along with the absorbed energy ratio which indicates the percent difference between the measured data and the average half sine pulse specified in the standard.
Example 500 g Shock Test Data